7 tips to 7x your Productivity

Being productive is not working hard. It is about making more time by learning techniques to complete an activity without stress.

I dwelled upon below 7 techniques over the time and experienced better results in life.


1. Set Clear and Prioritised Goals: 

When I don’t know what I want to achieve, I find myself working on tasks that are not getting me closer to where I want to be.

2. Plan and Organise Your Time: 

I like to block out time in my calendar each week to help me stay organised and maintain a clear overview of my responsibilities. 

3. Minimise Distractions: 

Something I implemented many years ago was turning off all notifications on my phone. Identify and minimise distractions in your work environment. 

4. Practice Effective Time Management Techniques: 

If you can do an activity in 2 mins, do it right away. Don’t keep postponing.  Block your time for each activity and be disciplined to get it done for you good sake.

5. Delegate and Collaborate:

Above table is self explanatory.  Be courageous to say NO for unnecessary things in life

6. Take Regular Breaks: 

Allow yourself short breaks throughout the day to recharge and refocus. Take rest for eyes, stretch your back, stay hydrated and regain more energy.

7. Eat the frog

Complete the difficult task at first to start your day so that everything else will become easier.

Use these techniques to take control of your time rather than sitting in front of the mobile most of the times. I am the same person who is trying to do something more than wasting time in mobile.

There are many more models. Choose the one that best work you and implement it in daily life.

When we started learning, even A B C D was difficult. Everything get grooming with practise.


Do comment, suggest and share your feedback in comments below. 

#productivity #improvemnt #dailygoals

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