Discipline : underrated tactic to succeed in life


All individuals have some core principles in which they believe in firmly and follow it with 💯 discipline. 


What we need ?

What we want ? 

“What we want” is influenced by our dopamine. “What we need” is exactly the basic requirement in life. That’s comes with some effort.

The effort is discipline.

Let’s talk about a new approach to actually do what you want yourself to do as suggested by aa author Mr. Marcus Frick.

Top down model (rely on willpower)

If you keep talking negatively about yourself, you will never go out of your zone. Result will be disappointing

What we think is what we do;

What we do is what we become!

If we keep dwelling on the past, we loose the present present in front of us. Mistakes can happen but blunder cannot be entertained. If a mistake is repeated, that’s blunder!

Bottom up model (rely on clarity)

Start with why 🤔.

Why I need to wake up early?

Why u need to eat healthy?

Why I need to study ?

Why I need to play more ?

Why sunlight is required ?

Clarity comes with the answer for why. In lean six sigma also, we use a powerful tool 5Y. We drill down to core answer and find out.

After knowing why, surround yourself with people who can actually help you reach there.

I started writing this article because of some amazing people around me and I am also trying to do the same for others who are interested.

Finally create a system to follow what you decided to do. My earlier article was about productivity tips and that can help to develop a framework to pave way for you to reach your goal.

You know why need to do. You have people surrounding You to motivate. You have plan to executive.  This disciple helps to achieve what you need to do actually.

It’s all connected!


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