The Enduring Friendship of Pranesh and Sujith​

Our friendship began in the 4th grade. Although Sujith is my cousin, our relationship goes beyond familial ties; he is my best friend. We attended the same school until the 5th grade when Sujith’s mother was transferred to another district, prompting his family to move and Sujith to enroll in a different school. Despite the distance, we remained in touch, our conversations continuing until the 8th grade.

Fate smiled upon us once again when Sujith’s mother was transferred back to our city. Although he joined another school, we reconnected during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenging times allowed us to meet and share our thoughts and experiences more frequently. We both completed our schooling during this period and looked forward to the next phase of our lives.

College brought us to Coimbatore, where we enrolled at the same institution but in different departments—Sujith in Computer Science and Design (CSD) and I in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). Despite our different academic pursuits, we met every day, enjoying our college days to the fullest. We often traveled together with our cousins, bunking classes and spending time in the food court, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Our bond, now nearly a decade strong, mirrors the friendship between our fathers, who are also cousins but share a relationship akin to best friends. Sujith and I have continued this legacy of unbreakable friendship, proving that true bonds transcend time and circumstances.

Our relationship is one of the best friendships between two individuals, built on mutual respect, understanding, and unwavering support. It’s a testament to the strength of our connection that, despite various challenges and changes, our bond has only grown stronger.

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