A responsible citizen

What jobs have you had?

I am 90s kid. Back in late 90s, As a kid, I am supposed to listen to whatever the elder says. I am supposed to study well. I am supposed to be the guy with tag “samathu payan” , nothing but a good child. I am supposed to be helpful, calm, active and so called responsible.

To reflect back, I am happy to be born into this world from a pakka middle class family where your appa is so called strict officer and Amma is such an innocent human being. Being a joint family, it’s 9 members. Aunt, mummy daddy appa amma 3 sisters and lastly me. You read it correct. Still we are joint family. My father’s elder brother and mother’s elder sister got married. Basically they tied knot in same family. So it pretty close family. That’s why I call them mummy daddy. Highlight is Aunt who lived her life for her brothers and now for the family.  This setup by itself brings the responsibility in my head. Yes I have 3 sisters. So a typical Tamil family knows this ritual.

So, in 90s end or early 2000s, one thing parents taught us was to get good name from all, teachers or neighbours or relatives or friends. As a kid, I always thrived for it which I regret now! I understand we can’t be good 💯.  It is okay to be disliked by some people.

Growing along with sisters have certain learning in it for life. It comes with responsibility of taking care of your siblings. As we grow up, we understand how society is differentiating male and female here.

All my life, I assigned one job to myself – to be responsible. It is not head ache but a way of life.

When you walk in the road, help elders or someone who needs, not throwing the garbage, following traffic rules. Beyond all the defined rules, going one step further, trying to be responsible for bringing smile in some third person or random support to strangers etc is actually what responsibility means to me.

After school, college is something every kid dreams but later realises we need to put our hard work there as well. Actually college life adds more responsibility to a adult from middle class family. Getting job in hand before coming out of the college is prime. Adding to it, this is the phase where we become adult from teen. Right to vote, to get driving license, to start supporting in family decisions, financial aspects etc. In personal life, this is a phase where hormones coke into play and one should be responsible to take care of his or her dopamine to lead a healthy life. It should be a social responsibility over and above personal.

If we start working at age of 21, it is almost a acheivement for an adult from middle class family. Indeed!

We support families, grow up, get married which is totally the different world. And If you are doing love marriage from above family, you can imagine all the possible scenerios that could have happened. Yes I succeeded here. It is added responsibility after marriage to take care of the people around us. Large family.

Now I would like to reiterate the all the above point. What are we doing actually here in this earth?

Are we living responsibly??

Are we bothered about 2050 or next generation ?

Are we bothered about other species in this world ?

I leave it to your thinking.

Whole idea of responsibility is management between your good deeds and not so as we frame.  Society have set of rules for it’s own sake. My perspective is that, we are living in a running race. As it goes life is happening !

Like calory management, earning your food by working out in gym or home. We all should manage responsibility by not depleting the culture, nature, environment, good habits in this modern Era.

If you drive motor vehicle, grow plants or help it grow. If you throw garbage, try segregating or support the workers. If you build land above water or trees, you know what else to do. Like ways, we all should leave this place for next generation responsibly.

I may be sound cringe and I am not sure how many of read all the above but this is how my life turned out to be. I am not perfect person. I have many regrets in my life but I manage my responsibility socially, personally and professional.

Many more to add but i would like to end here with Paradox of life.. Share your thoughts for discussion.

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