Probably myself!

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

I own myself since ever 😡 lol!

I mean the trend of using things have changed drastically where life cycle of any products have been cut short for business perspective.

We used to have TV or any electrical or electronic device for more than 10 years but now a days it’s just 3 years max.

To list down the things i am using for long time….

My lovely bike from Aug 2017, which I am using daily.

If not daily I have below things which I use often.

I have few dresses which I am using it from 2014 15sh. One of the beautiful memory is that I use to donate dress to needy without them knowing. Likeways when I saw someone wearing my dress it gave me more than the life happiness to cherish. 

Contunuing the list, I have my college diary from 2012.

I have a coffee mug which my friend gifted me in 2012 and I am still using it.

I have a Key chain to my home locker which was gifted to me in 2013

My gold chain… I am using it from 2015

Basically I don’t follow trending updates mostly. I am from a family where they keep carry bags or plastic dabbas for future use. So yeah..leading the life simple and healthy is moto of life.

Less expectations more happiness 🙂

#memories #cherishboomer

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