Mom’s food

What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?

A typical south Indian answer yet in reality, the mother’s love is the difference of eating the food cooked by her and eating outside.

At any point in life, wherever we go and settle for career, one thing we all miss is gona be mom’s food.

List is very long and to name a few below.

Starting with rasam, pakka south Indian dish. It’s  literally soup if you can relate.

A snack made of groundnut and vellam. Kadala urandai. This is ❤️. 

For idli dosa, poondu chutney is special sidish.  The patience she has in peeling all the garlic has to be the reason.

Podalanga kootu or thatapayir soraka kootu stands out in the list.

In childhood, we used to have Sunday market where we get fresh veggies. Vegetable briyani on Sunday afternoon with soya chunks is added taste.

Coming to poriyal.. I can keep listing. Ladies finger, potato fry, mutakose, etc etc..

Sambar with any veggies. The density of pulses it has is not comparable with hotel foods.

Ultimately I eat anything she cooks which is not because of compulsion but love. For anyone mom’s food would be special with different taste and whatever food is cooked. As i said earlier i believe it is because of the love it happens in kitchen from mom to kids.

I have more in the bucket but to cut short these are the some delicious foods I have eaten in home.

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